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With over 30 years of expertise, our company specializes in constructing custom cold warehouses. Trusted nationwide, we provide cost-effective solutions tailored to the unique needs of food and be.jpg__PID:f11e4bbe-882d-464e-9610-0fdd6a71389b

Our References

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Cold Storage Warehouse

With over 30 years of expertise, our company specializes in constructing custom cold warehouses. Trusted nationwide, we provide cost-effective solutions tailored to the unique needs of food and beverage clients..

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Modular Walk-Ins

Explore our modular walk-in box inventory  built for the needs of your business. These pre-fabricated boxes prioritize efficiency, reliability, and unique refrigeration needs, ensuring top-notch performance and customer satisfaction.

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Custom Size Walk-Ins

Crafting custom walk-in box freezers and coolers for businesses, our trusted solutions ensure optimal functionality. Tailored to meet specific needs, we bring efficiency and reliability to your businesses refrigeration requirements.

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Areas Of Application

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Our walk-in boxes provide solutions for your restaurant's cold storage needs

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Supermarkets / Delis

Essential to store large quantities of perishable goods, dairy and fresh produce

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Catering Companies

Ensuring freshness and quality for events and deliveries.

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Retail Food Businesses

Store raw ingredients and finished goods at specific temperatures to maintain freshness and quality. 

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Medical/Pharmaceutical Cold Rooms

Temperature controlled cold walk-in boxes specifically designed for the storage of pharmaceutial products

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Refrigeration Companies

Providing temperature controlled cold storage solutions for refrigeration companies.

Custom Cold Warehouse & Design Services


Elevate your business with our 30-year of expertise in custom cold warehousing. Tailored for food, beverage, and supermarket needs, our solutions prioritize  reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Benefit from a dedicated planning team, ensuring a hassle-free process. Experience 2-day shipping and installation, enhancing your operational speed. Transform your business with our commitment to quality and innovative, sustainable solutions. Contact us today for a seamless cold storage experience.

Request a Quote

Why Choose Us?

As the undisputed leader in custom walk-in coolers and cold warehouses, our company has solidified its position through a combination of expertise, efficiency, and a commitment to tailored solutions. With a track record of constructing millions of square feet annually, we bring over 30 years of invaluable industry experience to the table. Our dedicated team of design-build experts excels in addressing the unique challenges posed by cold storage facilities, ensuring an in-depth analysis of key components for reduced exposure and optimal functionality. From distribution centers to processing facilities, we prioritize cost-effective solutions, offering our clients the best-in-class design and construction services nationwide. The unparalleled combination of our extensive experience, commitment to excellence, and innovative approach sets us apart, making us the trusted choice for those seeking superior custom walk-in coolers and cold warehouses.

  • 30+ Years industry experience.
  • Delivered within 2 days.
  • Financing options available.
  • Best price guarenteed.
  • NSF / ANSI Certification

Reference Projects

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Frequently Asked Questions

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